"Spotted: Great Blue Heron", 18"x24", oil, cold wax, and rubber tire

"Blue Footed Booby", 10"x10", oil on canvas

"Blue Footed Booby", 12"x12", oil on canvas

"Untitled", 12"x18", oil on wood

"Salivation", 11"x11", oil on wood

"Untitled", 4.5"x7", oil and oil pastel on wood

"Untitled", 4.5"x8", oil pastel on wood

"Untitled", 12"x14", oil on wood

"Untitled", 6"x8", oil and oil pastel on wood

"Untitled", 10"x12", oil on wood

"Untitled", 4"x20", oil pastel and pencil on wood

"Untitled", 12"x16", oil and oil pastel on wood

"Untitled", 5"x18", oil pastel on wood

"The Dog", 16"x24", oil, oil pastel and mineral spirits on canvas

"Paris Still Life", 16"x16", acrylic on canvas

"Knife", 24"x36", acrylic and oil on board

"Kitchen Utensils", 12"x14", oil on canvas

"Eleanor", 16"x20", oil on canvas

"Fall Still Life", 16"x20", oil on canvas

"Imagined Box Still Life", 18"x24", oil on canvas

"Christine and Rose", 16"x20", acrylic on canvas

"Kodaline", 16"x20", acrylic on canvas

"Body Positivity", 14"x16", acrylic on canvas board

"BLM", 16"x20", acrylic on canvas

"Untitled", 16"x20", acrylic on canvas

"In My Room", 10"x12", oil on canvas